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Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 7. May 2011, 18:02
by Eren
I hate imageshack.

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 7. May 2011, 18:09
by zAchAry
Eren wrote:I hate imageshack.
Almost every screenshot in imageshack is blocked here, for more than 3 month and it is still occurring.

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 7. May 2011, 18:23
by mimosa
If you create an account with imageshack, and log in to it in a different tab, and reload the page, the image appears. (Works in Midori.) But I do remember not having had to do that in the past.

Very nice, Thenktor!

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 7. May 2011, 22:31
by Duncan_Idaho
zAchAry wrote:
Eren wrote:I hate imageshack.
Almost every screenshot in imageshack is blocked here, for more than 3 month and it is still occurring.
same here :evil:
it seems imageshack runs country-based blocks in order to force people to create accounts to be able to see the images

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 8. May 2011, 01:21
by thenktor
Eren wrote:I hate imageshack.
I've added a ompload pic because it seems you like that one ;) How long do they save the pictures?

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 9. May 2011, 20:30
by Elder V. LaCoste

Image Image

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 27. May 2011, 21:10
by submax
my salixos 13.1:


Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 1. Jun 2011, 05:10
by loukingjr
something gray...

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 26. Jul 2011, 21:24
by maninashed
I like a simple desktop ...



If you like it, you can download the wallpaper from here: salix-wallpaper.

Re: Salix 13.1 screenshots

Posted: 23. Aug 2011, 09:41
by AllBroken
My Desktop


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$alignr${color gray}LiL' Hacker
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