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Note to myself & other newbies resumé for getting package

Posted: 12. Jun 2011, 12:40
by luddite
Summary of my understanding for getting packages to me & other newbies in none geek speak

On looking for a package first place to try is Gslapt package manager , from menu , system,
Gslapt Package Manager type name of package in search, and hit enter . if its there will show up, left click in square box, to install thats about it. As for as I understand Gslapt points to salix repo.

If the package isn't there e.g “apache tomcat” try sourcery , from menu, system, " sourcery slackbuild manager" (the funny RED HAT icon -thought that was another distro !) again put package name into text box and click magnifying icon. That should install package you want; you may get a glitch if for instance where sourcery is trying to get the package doesn't exit anymore or path to destination has been changed.

This is the current situation for apache tomcat

Another way to get a package is to go to and download a compressed slackbuild file, and a source code file. For example on going to the source code file for apache-tomcat is and the source code apache-tomcat.tar.gz

you need to uncompress the apache-tomcat.tar.gz ( an easy way by righ clicking mouse over file and choosing archive manager) on unpacking you get a folder called apache-tomcat. Put the file as it is into the unpacked apache-tomcat. Then from a terminal cd into apche-tomcat ,su in as root then # ./apache-tomcat.Slackbuild. This should build a package and you will find it somewhere in /tmp
(I found tomcat needs commons daemon, which needs apache-ant )

You can install the package created from a command line using #installpkg nameofpackage.txz

Another way to get a package is if you can get a directory with SLKBUILD, also containing source code, and support files. Here from a terminal cd into directory and run this command : $ fakeroot slkbuld -X

this creates a new package in the folder you just cd's into, which can be installed # installpkg packname.txz , or if you already have an older version of the package installed updated using #upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new package.txz ( see recent post by
djemos for clamav)

Re: Note to myself & other newbies resumé for getting pac

Posted: 12. Jun 2011, 19:47
by dab1414
good morning,

First look here: If there is a broken link you should contact them. Also you can look in Sourcery > Edit > Preferences, under Sources tab and see where Sourcery is getting its sources from. And then you can look at View > SlackBuild Logs - and highlight the package ( in your case the apache - tomcat) click on View log, then you can see what went wrong. That should clear up your questions. As a note: I will try to submit this to ,, the current link points to ...
Apache has updated their version number so now it should be ...

Re: Note to myself & other newbies resumé for getting pac

Posted: 13. Jun 2011, 17:59
by luddite

I got an email from Heinz Weisinger thus:


Apache Tomcat requires commons-daemon (as mentioned in the README). You can get it here: ... ns-daemon/

I know about the download URL issue already, just haven't come around to fixing it yet, but thanks anyway.



Re: Note to myself & other newbies resumé for getting pac

Posted: 14. Jun 2011, 15:23
by luddite
Ok I have got Tomcat working, using packages from ;

Tomcat requires commons-daemon so I just downloaded from commons-daemon source and slackbuild & built it.
commons-daemon requires Apache-ant so did the same thing & built package for apache-ant using source and slackbuild package from

I installed the jdk i think i used sourcery but may have been Gslapt gui; after that I installed apache-ant , then commons-daemon. After clicking in box for statup services Tomcat came up fine by going to http://localhost:8080/index.jsp in browser address box.

For other newbies-why bother with apache-tomcat,instead of some other web server ? well you can create java server pages, which are not that
different from html, and test them as if they were live on the web by putting them in /ROOT directory of tomcat.

Java is extremely powerful and even if you don't know much like me, you can do a small amount of editing
& achieve some neat effects for instance you can slice in custom tag library and easily have a dedicated chat page on your web site,or forum that is quicker than anything else.

Sourcery doesn’t seem to be working too well, in the view logs there is some text but loads of Hieroglyphs like small square boxes with, with four characters inside.