In my 'xinit' i find the following (what I don't understand complete, for excemple the function of 'ck-launch-session')
Code: Select all
# Start the window manager:
if [ -z "$DESKTOP_SESSION" -a -x /usr/bin/ck-launch-session ]; then
exec ck-launch-session /usr/bin/startfluxbox
exec /usr/bin/startfluxbox
Now I think, perhaps it's possible to replace the above code by 'exec script-to-change-desktop', where 'script-to-change-desktop' offers (with something like zenity) buttons to change for exemple to Qtile or whatever. Buttons for 'logout, reboot, exit' could be includet also.
Of cause it would be nice (if possible) to switch only the deskop and leafe the browser, mailer, Gimp whatever open: I think, some window-managers offers an option '--replace'.
This all would be nice to develope btw test a new workflow embedded in the normal daily work without too much extra trouble....