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Homepage main menu

Posted: 24. Mar 2010, 14:02
by thenktor
please could you guys have a look at our main menu on our homepage. Is it already translated or is there something wrong?
Please report errors here and come up with new translations. Just post your language code and translations like this:
Home -> Hauptseite
News -> Neuigkeiten

Please note that it's only possible to do it for 2 letter language codes like "pt" (portuguese) but not for pt_BR (brazilian portuguese).

PS: You should see translations when your browser has the right language set or if you are logged into the wiki and you have set the language in the wiki preferences.

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 24. Mar 2010, 14:27
by JRD
Language : fr

"Nouvelles" => "News", "nouvelles" is the word-by-word correct translation, but "news" is "news" in french.
"RSS feeds" => "Flux RSS"

"Mailing list" => "Mailing List", the uppercase is important, else it should be "liste" but it's not said like this in french.
"IRC Channel" => "Canal IRC"
" group" => "Groupe"

"SF Project page" => "Page de projet sur SF"
"SF Bug tracker" => "Suivi d'anomalies sur SF"

"Page au hasard" => "Une page au hasard"

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 24. Mar 2010, 14:55
by thenktor
All done, except "Page au hasard", which is the official translation in Mediawiki. Should be fixed upstream then.

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 24. Mar 2010, 21:47
by Kristho
Danish - da

"Home" => "Hjem"

"News" => "Nyheder"
"Announcements" => "Annonceringer"
"RSS feeds" => "RSS-feeds"

"Download" => "Hent"
"Documentation" => "Dokumentation"

"Community" => "Fællesskab"
"Forum" => "Forum"
"Mailing list" => "E-post-liste"
"IRC channel" => "IRC-kanal"
" group" => ""

"Development" => "Udvikling"
"SF project page" => "SF-projektside"
"SF bug tracker" => "SF-fejlhåndtering"

"Wiki toolbox" => "Wiki-værktøjskasse"

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 24. Mar 2010, 22:48
by seacat
Language: es

"News" -> "Noticias"
"Community" -> "Comunidad"
"Forum" -> "Foro"
"Mailing list" -> "Lista de correo"
"IRC channel" -> "Canal IRC"
" group" -> "Grupo"
"Development" -> "Desarrollo"
"SF project page" -> "Página del proyecto en SF"
"SF bug tracker" -> "Seguimiento de bugs en SF"
"Wiki toolbox" -> "Herramientas Wiki"

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 25. Mar 2010, 00:16
by thenktor
Added da & es. Thanks to both of you :)

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 30. Mar 2010, 09:22
by posixru
Language: ru

"Home" -> "Главная"
"News" -> "Новости"
"Announcements" -> "Список новостей"
"RSS feeds" -> "RSS лента"
"Download" -> "Загрузить"
"Documentation" -> "Документация"
"Community" -> "Контакты"
"Forum" -> "Форум"
"Mailing list" -> "e-mail подписка "
"IRC channel" -> "IRC чат"
" group" -> " группа"
"Development" -> "Разработчикам"
"SF project page" -> "SF страница проекта"
"SF bug tracker" -> "Страница отслеживания ошибок"
"Transifex" / "Transifex translation page" -> "Переводы документации" / "Страница переводов"
"Wiki toolbox" -> "Wiki информация"
"Recent changes" -> "Свежие правки"
"Random page" -> "Случайная статья"
"Screenshots" -> "Снимки экрана"


Localized Forums / "Русский раздел" -> "Russian Forum"

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 30. Mar 2010, 13:42
by thenktor
Added "ru" :)

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 1. Apr 2010, 10:09
by franzy
Language: it

"Home" -> "Pagina principale"
"News" -> "Notizie"
"Announcements" -> "Annunci"
"RSS feeds" -> "Abbonamenti RSS"
"Download" -> "Scarica"
"Documentation" -> "Documentazione"
"Community" -> "Comunità"
"Forum" -> "Forum"
"Mailing list" -> "Lista d'invio"
"IRC channel" -> "Canale IRC"
" group" -> "Gruppo"
"Development" -> "Sviluppo"
"SF project page" -> "Pagina del progeto su SF"
"SF bug tracker" -> "Rilevazione bachi su SF"
"Transifex" / "Transifex translation page" -> "Transifex - pagina traduzioni"
"Wiki toolbox" -> "Strumenti Wiki "
"Recent changes" -> "Сambiamenti recenti"
"Random page" -> "Pagina a caso"
"Screenshots" -> "Istantanee dello schermo"

Re: Homepage main menu

Posted: 1. Apr 2010, 10:42
by zenwolf
posixru wrote:Language: ru

"Home" -> "Главная"
"News" -> "Новости"
"Announcements" -> "Список новостей"
"RSS feeds" -> "RSS лента"
"Download" -> "Загрузить"
"Documentation" -> "Документация"
"Community" -> "Контакты"
"Forum" -> "Форум"
"Mailing list" -> "e-mail подписка "
"IRC channel" -> "IRC чат"
" group" -> " группа"
"Development" -> "Разработчикам"
"SF project page" -> "SF страница проекта"
"SF bug tracker" -> "Страница отслеживания ошибок"
"Transifex" / "Transifex translation page" -> "Переводы документации" / "Страница переводов"
"Wiki toolbox" -> "Wiki информация"
"Recent changes" -> "Свежие правки"
"Random page" -> "Случайная статья"
"Screenshots" -> "Снимки экрана"


Localized Forums / "Русский раздел" -> "Russian Forum"
I had no time :)