booting trouble

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Re: booting trouble

Post by mimosa »


Thank you for explaining about FAT16. I already followed those steps (FAT32 was definitely in there for one of my earlier attempts).


Why didn't I think of that? :) However, no dice, this time BIOS didn't even try to boot from the stick. I can try it on another machine to make sure, but the interesting thing will be to try using the brand new stick I will buy to replace this one.

That still leaves the "prefix" problem with Maté. I will make an image from the disk to exclude the possibility of a bad burn.

(@Adys, why might that not work? I intend to use Brasero's copy-disk function, but copy to an iso; then md5sum the result)
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Re: booting trouble

Post by mimosa »

The CD checks out:

Code: Select all

mimosa[~]$ md5sum brasero.iso 
f3d8f586b28155ba686a310d8c6f6b1e  brasero.iso
mimosa[~]$ md5sum mate.iso
f3d8f586b28155ba686a310d8c6f6b1e  mate.iso
I mistakenly assumed that xfce live 13.37 could work like that (dd to stick). :oops: So I now have to report that the stick *does* work with Maté. It still may have a fault, and I was just lucky this time - or there may be a problem with the other methods I tried. I'll probably have another go because I'm assuming that this way, the stick can't store a persistent file (though it was apparently happy to save my locale and keyboard preferences).

It's a long way round, but what if I copy the files currently on the stick, reformat (to FAT32 :)), and copy them back in? Should that work?

That still leaves the failure to boot from CD. But then why does the very same image work from USB?
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Re: booting trouble

Post by gapan »

Probably a faulty CD/DVD drive or faulty CD.
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Re: booting trouble

Post by mimosa »

But I tried it on three machines (so it's not the drive) and the md5sum checks out. I can try burning another one ...

Here is a reasonably accurate copy of the output:

Code: Select all

error: "prefix" is not set
Searching the device to boot from
                (hd0, msdos 8)
... 7,6,5,1 
Error: Could not find the root device!
We've been searching for:
identcontent: [looks like an md5sum]
Available devices are (as above)
--> Rescue shell
Btw I looked at the files and it's obvious copying them into a partition on the reformated stick isn't going to work. Anyway, I'll have another go the conventional way and if no luck, try with a brand new stick!
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Re: booting trouble

Post by Adys »

mimosa wrote: I already followed those steps
Please be more precise. Do you mean you started over again, now from step #1 up to #9? If that's the case, then which method you used after step #9? LiveClone or unetbootin 575+? What exact step failed? Any messages when booting? There are too many different aspects that could be the main problem. We need more specific reports.
That still leaves the "prefix" problem with Maté. I will make an image from the disk to exclude the possibility of a bad burn.

(@Adys, why might that not work? I intend to use Brasero's copy-disk function, but copy to an iso; then md5sum the result)
If you made changes, it doesn't work. If you run the syslinux/isolinux installer, it doesn't work (it is different every time). And if you don't make changes, you still need to take the DATA-ONLY to calculate the checksum (as oppose to the checksum of the whole CD, which would include parts of the CD "outside" the original ISO). I'm not saying there is no way. I am saying it is easy to get the wrong comparison results. There are programs to make the comparison easy (but I have more experience with Windows-based programs for this specific task, not so much with the Linux-based ones).
mimosa wrote: what if I copy the files currently on the stick, reformat (to FAT32 :)), and copy them back in? Should that work?
No, re-format ALONE may not be enough. Using "dd" on sdb (which includes the MBR) changes "everything" (MBR, VBR, volume size,...). So, it may or may not work in the future. I, again, suggest following the steps from #1 to #9 and then using unetbootin version 575 or later, manually selecting the desired ISO image.
That still leaves the failure to boot from CD. But then why does the very same image work from USB?
Maybe it was just a bad burn. The specific media itself could be wrong (bad quality), or burnt with an inadequate speed, or...

Please report (with details of what you effectively do this time and the messages you see when trying to boot).

EDIT: typo.
Last edited by Adys on 11. Jul 2012, 13:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: booting trouble

Post by Shador »

That message about prefix is absolutely NO problem an occurs always!
Available devices are (as above)
Sorry, but that's a bit inaccurate. Maybe your BIOS is not properly making the USB stick available? Could you give me all devices it lists at least all except hd0*.

Please provide identcontent as well. Apart from that do this with the USB stick mounted on /somedir:

Code: Select all

cat /somedir/
Btw I looked at the files and it's obvious copying them into a partition on the reformated stick isn't going to work. Anyway, I'll have another go the conventional way and if no luck, try with a brand new stick!
You're changing your setup in such a quick pace there's no chance getting accustomed to one setup to find the root problem. But nevermind, I'm not having a problem here.
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Re: booting trouble

Post by mimosa »


There are two problems here: booting from CD (which is what produces the output I posted above, so there is no USB drive and shouldn't be); and booting from USB - which works using the dd if=salix.iso of=/dev/sdb method, but not the conventional way. For the time being I suspect hardware to be the cause and my next step is to buy a brand new stick and try with that. If that doesn't work I think I should create a separate thread for problem 2.

On the second question though, when I unpacked the files from the CD, I noticed an extra directory was created:

Code: Select all

mimosa[~]$ ls matefiles/\[BOOT\]/
Should this be there?

On the first question, fwiw, here is as much of that long number as I copied down before getting bored. But I'll get the full number if you need it:

7cb4af53c54 ...

Following Gapan's suggestion about the disk, I suppose I should try with a fresh burn even though the md5sum is right.


Here is the .live file *from the unpacked iso*:

Code: Select all

... and that is the same number.
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Re: booting trouble

Post by Adys »

The NoEmulation image should be there, yes.

About the rest, I was trying to help you with the USB device, but now you are back with the CD issue, which could be a completely different problem (like just 1 bad burn), or the same (for examples, BIOS boot device compatibility and other BIOS settings, or hardware problem).

With the downloaded ISO (not the image from your burnt CD), check your checksum. If it is correct, burn it to a CD-RW using x4 or x8 (not more not less), according to the speed accepted in BOTH the optical drive and the specific CD media.

(BTW, there are simple methods to check if a burnt media is OK, but that's for a future Salix release).
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Re: booting trouble

Post by JRD »

Adys wrote:The NoEmulation image should be there, yes.
For USB, no you shouldn't put that directory (which is not one). It's ElTorito magick.
But it does not harm to put in on USB stick btw, so not a problem.
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Re: booting trouble

Post by Adys »

JRD wrote:
Adys wrote:The NoEmulation image should be there, yes.
For USB, no you shouldn't put that directory (which is not one). It's ElTorito magick.
But it does not harm to put in on USB stick btw, so not a problem.
This happens when we mix different issues. To clarify my words, the boot directory, which includes in it the NoEmulation image, is normally found in the CD (and it should be there in the CD, yes), as mimosa said. It has no use in the USB device, but if it is there in the USB device too, it is still not going to make you problems with booting it.
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