Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

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Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

Post by ElderDryas »

I've had an interesting problem with flash pop up recently:. Recontructed, it goes something like this:

1) New install of Salix 13.37...updated (I think it was 36 items needing updating)
2) Install the latest Flash from the repos (I think it was X.x.202.x)
3) Checked CNN and youtube videos...all displayed properly.
4) Installed the latest Nvidia driver (295.33) according to http://www.salixos.org/wiki/index.php/H ... DIA_driver
5) Rebooted (nvidia driver was properly installed and working)
6) Checked CNN and youtube videos and all skin-tones were blue-greyish (hence the smurf reference)

I tried using the older (290) Nvidia driver...no difference. I tried using the older Flash in the repos (x.102.x ....I think that was version number) all skin tones were normal.

I tried the same Flash and nvidia versions in Xubuntu12.04B2 and Fedora 16-XFCE. Skin tones were normal in all videos.

So, it looks likes it's a 202 Flash + 29X Nvidia problem in SalixOS.

Now, the funny thng is that it appears to be ONLY CNN and youtube videos (of the <few> samples I took)...I tried FoxNews and MSNBC (I'm in the US, so these came to mind) and the skin tones are normal in their videos.

Anyone care to venture a guess as to how to fix this problem (besides just use the older flash)?
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Re: Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

Post by Shador »

Yes, same issue here. I didn't notice this because it seemed intentional with the vid where I first noticed it.

The fact that it only hits some sites is probably explainable by different codes used by those sites. Let's hope Adobe releases a fix for this some time soon. Maybe it's some issue with VDPAU. So disabling that could possibly help.
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Re: Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

Post by ElderDryas »

Whew! At least it's not <just> me.

But I can't help wonder why I don't see this behavior with Fedora, Linux Mint, or Xubuntu?
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Re: Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

Post by Shador »

With YouTube enabling HTML5 can serve as a workaround: https://www.youtube.com/html5
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Re: Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

Post by ElderDryas »

Even though I personally did not experience this with Xubuntu 12.04b2, it appears to be affecting the 'buntus also.

https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... bug/967091

I wonder what the final outcome of this will be? Will the Linux world convince Adobe not to be a corporate jerk?
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Re: Nvidia + Flash = Smurfs

Post by caitlyn »

ElderDryas wrote:I wonder what the final outcome of this will be? Will the Linux world convince Adobe not to be a corporate jerk?
I think there is more chance of a blizzard in Honolulu in July than there is for Adobe to properly support Linux. Our best hope is that gnash development continues and improves.
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