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Post by bobo »

I just installed ratpoison and some of the features do not work it's an old version (1.47-beta 2013), the new version came out in 2014 (1.4.8) is there a way to update rp? I tried with slapt-get and spi.
Thank you,
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by gapan »

What features do you think not work exactly?
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by bobo »

gapan wrote:What features do you think not work exactly?
1. The bind key cannot be changed. C-d or C-z do not function, it goes back to C-t.
2. Alt-tab does not work.
3. Bind + w will not show you the windows that are open.
4. The box to launch apps does not work
The keybinds work fine.

This is not the first time i use rp, this is an old beta version. Here's my .ratpoinsorc if it helps:

Code: Select all

alias term exec lxterminal   
 escape C-d               

 exec xrdb -merge "$HOME"/.Xdefaults
 warp on
 startup_message off
 set winname class
 defborder 0
 set padding 0 0 0 0
 defbarpadding 0 0
 exec xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name left_ptr
 bind semicolon colon
 set bargravity nw         
 set winfmt %n %s %t
 set fgcolor yellow        
 set bgcolor black
 set font "Terminus-12"

 alias showroot exec ratpoison -c fdump; ratpoison -c 'select -' -c only
 alias unshowroot exec ratpoison -c "frestore at $HOME/.rpfdump"

 ### Escritorios virtuales/Workspaces
 exec rpws 1
 exec /usr/bin/rpws init 6 -k

 bind F1 exec rpws 1        
 bind F2 exec rpws 2
 bind F3 exec rpws 3

 #Focus and exchange of frames
 unbind k
 bind j focusdown
 bind h focusleft
 bind k focusup
 bind l focusright
 bind J exchangedown
 bind H exchangeleft
 bind K exchangeup
 bind L exchangeright

 definekey top M-Tab next          
 definekey top M-ISO_Left_Tab prev

 definekey top F1 exec lxterminal
 definekey top F2 exec xfe
 definekey top F3 exec firefox
 definekey top F4 kill
 definekey top F7 exec geany
 definekey top F8 exec xchat
 definekey top F9 exec libreoffice
 bind r restart
 bind w windows

 bind Escape abort
 bind q only

 rudeness 12     

 ##To launch a Run box (Ctrl+Space bar):
 definekey top C-space exec

 # To make a screenshot (Press the Print key)
 definekey top Print exec lxterminal -e scrot -cd 10

 # Sound Volume

 definekey top C-Down exec amixer -q set Master 5- unmute && ratpoison -c "echo Master Vol Down"
 definekey top C-Up exec amixer -q set Master 5+ unmute && ratpoison -c "echo Master Vol Up"
 definekey top C-0 exec amixer -q set Master 0 mute && ratpoison -c "echo Master mute"
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by gapan »

No. Everything works fine here. Those options make it work just like you're expecting them to.
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by gapan »

Do you actually have spaces at the start of those lines? I can't test now, but these may be your problem.
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by bobo »

gapan wrote:Do you actually have spaces at the start of those lines? I can't test now, but these may be your problem.
Just one space, where the cursor is.
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by gapan »

I don't understand what that means. I see spaces at the start of every line except the first one in what you posted. If you indeed have spaces at the start of those lines, remove them.
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by bobo »

gapan wrote:I don't understand what that means. I see spaces at the start of every line except the first one in what you posted.
I don't have any spaces that i can see. But...this happenned to me while configuring icewm.

Note: withouth being disrespectful, why don't you upgrade ratpoison to the latest version (1.4.8) and leave it vainilla? don't touch it.
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by gapan »

Look at what you posted in your first post in this thread. There is a space at the start of every line. If your file is the same, it could be your problem.

I don't see what icewm has to do with anything in this thread.

And I'm sorry, but you certainly don't follow ratpoison development as close as I do. The package we have in the repos has virtually no differences from the latest stable and there is no reason to update it. And it's as vanilla as it gets. There are no external patches applied to ratpoison. But since you seem to know better, you're free to build your own ratpoison package.
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Re: Ratpoison

Post by bobo »

gapan wrote:Look at what you posted in your first post in this thread. There is a space at the start of every line. If your file is the same, it could be your problem.
I eliminated the spaces, but it didn't help.
I don't see what icewm has to do with anything in this thread.
I was just mentioning that the space problem has hapenned with icewm.
And I'm sorry, but you certainly don't follow ratpoison development as close as I do. The package we have in the repos has virtually no differences from the latest stable and there is no reason to update it.
How can it be? it's an old version and a BETA version, it's not a release. You got it set up in a way that the default keybinds do not work.

And it's as vanilla as it gets. There are no external patches applied to ratpoison. But since you seem to know better, you're free to build your own ratpoison package.
Atta boy!

Why then you cannot change the bind key? and the other problems I listed in my posts if indeed it's vanilla?
Desktop: Celeron - 2 GB RAM - HD 160 GB - Slackel/Salix - icewm/jwm - Grub
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