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Re: I'm not a robot.

Post by miredia »

Papasot wrote: 4. Nov 2022, 12:20 Salix and XFCE should work well on that machine, but it might be your hardware's driver that causes this "brightness reset" to maximum everytime X starts. I had the same problem in the past with a "Sandy Bridge" GPU. There are many ways to fix this (such as xbrightness, backlight-brightness and others,) but the one that will always work is as follows.
First you need to identify your screen output. Run, in a terminal:

Code: Select all

xrandr --prop | grep "connected"
You should see something like

Code: Select all

LVDS-1 connected primary 1024x600+0+0 ...
What you need is the name before "connected" - in my case that's "LVDS-1", replace as appropriate. Now, you can set the brightness to, say, half the maximum with

Code: Select all

xrandr --output LVDS-1 --brightness 0.5
Find a brightness level you feel comfortable with. Now you need to tell your WM to execute this command every time it starts. This depends on the WM, but a way that should work no matter what is to put the command above in your ~/.xinitrc. Set it and forget it.
All that without a DM running - I never use DMs so I am not sure if that changes anything.
Thank you very much for this tip. It's better than nothing, but otherwise cannot have a setting which works together with the special function keys, and without "systemd". The "xbacklight" program reports it doesn't work on my laptop, that might have been better.
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Re: I'm not a robot.

Post by gapan »

miredia, you might take a look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1150339 ... ing-xrandr

You can then assign that script to your brightness keys.
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Re: I'm not a robot.

Post by djemos »

@miredia, what is your gpu, intel or amdgpu?
If you have an amdgpu then xbacklight works only for intel gpu.
Install acpilight

after install the package type

Code: Select all

sudo cp /etc/udev/rules.d/90-backlight.rules.new /etc/udev/rules.d/90-backlight.rules
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Re: I'm not a robot.

Post by miredia »

Thank you for the replies!

I have run "xbacklight" program, is that what "acplight" installs? It reports: "No outputs have backlight property".

I have a 10-year-old Hewlett-Packard laptop which originally had Windows8 installed. Now it has Windows10 2H21 or whatever (almost not going into it any longer), Salix 42GB partition, Slackware (not "-current") 32-bit 42GB partition, Manjaro MATE 32GB partition and 4GB "swap".

Code: Select all

             :::::::::::::::::::               xx@darkstar.example.net
          :::::::::::::::::::::::::            OS: Slackware 
        ::::::::cllcccccllllllll::::::         Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.15.63
     :::::::::lc               dc:::::::       Uptime: 11m
    ::::::::cl   clllccllll    oc:::::::::     Packages: 898
   :::::::::o   lc::::::::co   oc::::::::::    Shell: bash 5.1.16
  ::::::::::o    cccclc:::::clcc::::::::::::   Resolution: 1366x768
  :::::::::::lc        cclccclc:::::::::::::   DE: Xfce4
 ::::::::::::::lcclcc          lc::::::::::::  WM: Xfwm4
 ::::::::::cclcc:::::lccclc     oc:::::::::::  WM Theme: Salix
 ::::::::::o    l::::::::::l    lc:::::::::::  GTK Theme: Salix [GTK2]
  :::::cll:o     clcllcccll     o:::::::::::   Icon Theme: Qogir-dark-panel
  :::::occ:o                  clc:::::::::::   Font: Sans 10
   ::::ocl:ccslclccclclccclclc:::::::::::::    Disk: 47G / 397G (12%)
    :::oclcccccccccccccllllllllllllll:::::     CPU: Intel Pentium B980 @ 2x 2.4GHz [46.0°C]
     ::lcc1lcccccccccccccccccccccccco::::      GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 2000 (SNB GT1)
       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::        RAM: 638MiB / 3809MiB
I'm sorry for taking this off topic...
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Re: I'm not a robot.

Post by djemos »

OK. I also have a HP g62 old laptop where after your post i typed xbacklight and it reports: "No outputs have backlight property".

Code: Select all

       #######          ----------------------------- 
       ##O#O##          OS: Slackel Linux 5.16.9 x86_64 
       #######          Host: Hewlett-Packard 1439 
     ###########        Kernel: 5.16.9 
    #############       Uptime: 27 mins 
   ###############      Packages: 1223 (pkgtool) 
   ################     Shell: bash 5.1.16 
  #################     Resolution: 1366x768 
#####################   WM: Openbox 
#####################   WM Theme: Clearlooks-Olive 
  #################     Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3] 
                        Icons: matefaenza [GTK2/3] 
                        Terminal: lxterminal 
                        Terminal Font: Terminus 12 
                        CPU: Intel Pentium P6100 (2) @ 1.999GHz 
                        GPU: Intel Core Processor 
                        Memory: 755MiB / 1835MiB
So i created the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
and i paste the contents

Code: Select all

Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "intel"
Option "Backlight" "intel_backlight"

If you have installed acpilight then remove it. Then reinstall xbacklight.

Then restart X (log out and log in)
I typed
xbacklight -30
xbacklight +30
It is working.
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Re: I'm not a robot.

Post by miredia »

Papasot wrote: 4. Nov 2022, 12:20 Find a brightness level you feel comfortable with. Now you need to tell your WM to execute this command every time it starts. This depends on the WM, but a way that should work no matter what is to put the command above in your ~/.xinitrc. Set it and forget it.
All that without a DM running - I never use DMs so I am not sure if that changes anything.
Hi Papasot. I have done what you suggested but my system still starts with maximum brightness of the screen because I do have a desktop environment with Salix, the standard one it comes with which is XFCE.

I have put a line similar to the following into "~/.xinitrc":

Code: Select all

xrandr --output LVDS-1 --brightness 0.5
gapan wrote: 6. Nov 2022, 16:03 miredia, you might take a look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1150339 ... ing-xrandr

You can then assign that script to your brightness keys.
Hi gapan. Thank you for this, it will be very helpful.
djemos wrote: 7. Nov 2022, 09:28 If you have installed acpilight then remove it. Then reinstall xbacklight.

Then restart X (log out and log in)
I typed
xbacklight -30
xbacklight +30
It is working.
Hi djemos. I have followed these instructions but "xbacklight" program comes back with the same error message as before.
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