Huge batch of updates available for Slint 15.0

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Huge batch of updates available for Slint 15.0

Post by DidierSpaier »


as I do not see Slackware 15.1 on he horizon I will provide a new intermediate ISO for Slint 15.0.

To prepare it and make sure the transition will be smooth for already installed systems I have uploaded a huge batch of updates - I mean huge, more than 200 packages new or upgraded :lol:

I have posted a summary of the changes in the news and the gory details are listed in the ChangeLog. The news are also available in French and in Portuguese, thanks Hugo - the fastest translator us usual :D

I attach a pic of the new default appearance of the MATE desktop, with the Compiz window manager and Emerald Overglossed theme.

Posts: 528
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Re: Huge batch of updates available for Slint 15.0

Post by DidierSpaier »

The news are now translated into Swedish, thanks Ingemar :D
Posts: 382
Joined: 7. Dec 2011, 22:44

Re: Huge batch of updates available for Slint 15.0

Post by hugok »

When is the new ISO scheduled for?
It will be slint64-15.0-6.iso, right?
Hugo Carvalho
Portuguese translator
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Joined: 20. Jun 2016, 20:15

Re: Huge batch of updates available for Slint 15.0

Post by DidierSpaier »

Thanks for asking Hugo and sorry for the late answer.

There is no schedule. I want to provide an ISO with only one desktop (Mate), which will be a live one and with less packages by default: somehow a design similar to Salix (other desktops could be added in an installed system) I am now trying to select the packages that will be included in the live system vs the installed system (not necessarily the same set), which take me a lot of (read: too much) time by lack of a clear method to do that (either strip down the current Slint or start with a limited set as Salix, probably a mix of both ways). <useless rant> If only Slackware was built with dependencies resolution of build/run/optional packages from the inception...</useless rant>

PS Yes it will be named slint64-15.0-6.iso
Posts: 382
Joined: 7. Dec 2011, 22:44

Re: Huge batch of updates available for Slint 15.0

Post by hugok »

Thank you for your reply.
I like the idea of having Slint with a live ISO and the Salix philosophy. I've always liked the minimalist idea of one application per task. I understand that this must be a lot of work, especially since Slint is based on Slackware :roll:
Hugo Carvalho
Portuguese translator
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