Update Check Time

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Update Check Time

Post by Bird »

On my older Salix 14.2 (64-Bit) installation, I see that it tries to get new updates from its mirror every hour. Where can this value be found, to set it to shorter or longer update interval time?
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Re: Update Check Time

Post by laprjns »

Check the README file in the /usr/doc/salix-update-notifier-0.9.1/ directory. The readme file says the following in Salix 15, and it will most likely be the same in 14.2.
salix-update-notifier is a daemon that provides system tray
notifications if package updates are available from on-line package
repositories. It uses slapt-get and gslapt to determine if there are any
updates available and actually perform the package updates.

salix-update-notifier can be used on any slackware or slackware based
system that uses slapt-get/gslapt for package managemenet. It
additionally requires zenity to be installed though, which is not
included in the standard slackware packages and must be installed
separately. It also requires one of gksu, ktsuss, kdesu or a suitable
alternative to be present in the system.

By clicking on the system tray notification, you will get a window
prompting for action. You can cancel the operation and leave updating
for a later time or you can press OK to perform the package updates. The
root user password is of course required for that purpose and you will
be prompted for that.

salix-update-notifier by default puts a script named slapt-get-update in
your system's /etc/cron.hourly directory, so the package database can be
refreshed every hour. If you don't like that, you can move the scripts
to /etc/cron.daily, so it is run once a day.

The salix-update-notifier daemon will check every hour by default for
package updates. You can change that interval systemwide by editing the
"interval" line in file /etc/salix-update-notifier.conf.

Alternatively you can change the interval per user, by creating a
$HOME/.config/salix-update-notifier settings file with a line
setting an "interval" variable, similar to how it is in the
/etc/salix-update-notifier.conf file. Insert:


for example if you want it to run every 30 minutes. The number format is
a number followed by a suffix, which may be 's' for seconds (but you
really shouldn't use such a small interval), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for
hours or `d' for days. Any other lines in that file will be ignored.
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Re: Update Check Time

Post by Bird »

Thank you, laprjns. That manual really has it all covered. Deleting the "slapt-get-update" script in /etc/cron.hourly/ fixed it.

The system is now as quiet as a mouse.
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Re: Update Check Time

Post by gapan »

You could also just remove the salix-update-notifier package if you wanted to get rid of it completely.
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