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Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 1. Apr 2013, 10:22
by shanek54
Hi djemos,
Good news for you :-) , Bad news for me :-(
I have installed RC1 on an HP Laptop with core 2 duo processor and I cannot get it to crash - even playing about with akonadi console, Calligra word etc, it just keeps on going.

I tried editing the same files as before and no problems, no crashes.
The install was on an extended partition, with lilo in the partition root as before, and the partition formatted and ext4 put on it.
DVD burning works, codec installer ran perfectly, email setup and ran with no crashes.

The other laptop is now running memtest86, and will be for the next few hours. Oh well, it is 6 years old...

Hope this helps,

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 1. Apr 2013, 11:33
by djemos
Then it has to be a hardware problem or bad sectors or something else, since salix kderc1 works fine with no crash on HP laptop.
It works fine here on a del desktop pc and an a hp core duo laptop.

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 1. Apr 2013, 15:03
by shanek54
Hi djemos,
Agreed. After memtest86 did 4 passess it reported one error, so that's enough for me. Replacement ram has been ordered. HDD will be checked after ram replaced.


Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 3. Apr 2013, 12:51
by mimosa
I can't find gslapt and sourcery. Shouldn't they be under "system"?

On first boot a strange window popped up with a name I unfortunately can't remember but which made it sound as though it were trying to import settings - not that that makes any sense. It appeared twice briefly then vanished.

The installer suggests you might want to look for Salix in a directory salix-xfce. For the case where you are installing from a USB it would be more helpful if the suggestion were /salix (which it aways is). Had I been unsure I would probably have tried /salix-kde first. In any other case, the user will probably know what they are up to.

All in all, looking good!


I think this came up before: I installed both Midori and Firefox (badly designed internet banking site wants Firefox or preferably IE). In both cases, hovering produces a black information box with black text. You explained how to fix it (or something similar that happened before), but shouldn't it be fixed by default? A lot of people will install Firefox (though QPzilla is great).


The online help in Calligra Words opens a page in Midori! Midori opens two tabs, one with the help, the other, Salix homepage. The latter is selected initially.

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 3. Apr 2013, 15:07
by djemos
check the iso md5sum please.
Yes, The installer suggests you might want to look for Salix in a directory salix-xfce. I will fix it to look just for salix or salix-kde in case someone have salix-xfce and salix-kde on usb?

gslapt and sourcery are there.
On first boot i did not see any strange windows.
salix KDE uses qupzilla. So, about midori and firefox, it is kde. This has been fixed in KDE-4.10.1
users just can choose oxygen-cold colors and theme in system-settings.
Since you installed midori and firefox calligra open with xdg-open the first browser it finds (midori, then firefox, etc) you can choose default browser for kde.
Midori always open the default page which is salix. This is not an iso bug since midori is not on iso.

And please check programs that included on iso. Otherwise i have to check all the slackware and salix tree for bugs.

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 3. Apr 2013, 15:41
by mimosa
Gslapt and sourcery are here now too. New glasses? Or were they missing before?

I checked the md5sum, but I suppose it could be a problem with the USB stick.

As for the browser problem, I thought it was worth mentioning because it is related to KDE (doesn't happen in Salix xfce). I'm just spending a morning using the RC for normal stuff and reporting what I see. Very few problems. Looking good! :D

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 3. Apr 2013, 16:01
by ibka
When i tried RC1 in QEMU i also get two windows on first login, it showed for very short period, if you blink you can miss it.

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 3. Apr 2013, 21:51
by aurlaent
The strange window is kresource-migration tool, it doesn't really have anything to do so it disappears very quickly. On slower computers I can read title.

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 4. Apr 2013, 06:32
by djemos
aurlaent wrote:The strange window is kresource-migration tool, it doesn't really have anything to do so it disappears very quickly. On slower computers I can read title.
mimosa wrote:I think this came up before: I installed both Midori and Firefox (badly designed internet banking site wants Firefox or preferably IE). In both cases, hovering produces a black information box with black text. You explained how to fix it (or something similar that happened before), but shouldn't it be fixed by default? A lot of people will install Firefox (though QPzilla is great).
I have test the following but i would like someone else to confirm also.
1. reinstall this user-settings-kde package
2. create a new user from system->groups and users
3. logout and log in again with new user account.
4. Check if kresource-migration window appears and also if firefox and gtk apps has no dark background.
5. About midori having black color and background, this has been solved on kde-4.10.1 and cannot do something to solve it on kde-4.8.5.

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC1

Posted: 4. Apr 2013, 18:59
by mimosa
Text in Firefox is now black on a lovely pale blue background. No sign of kresource-migration windows popping up.
