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Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 27. May 2011, 07:53
by pwatk
I'm not infront of my laptop at the moment but I'm pretty sure you should find the wallpaper in /usr/share/xfce4/backgrounds/.

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 27. May 2011, 17:10
by mimosa
Thank you both.

@Akuna Oddly enough, I get an xfce wallpaper - horizontal grey stripes with a rat (mouse?) in the middle above the letters xfce.

@pwatk Is it the one called StairWay.png with white and pastel boxes, and no tree? sheytanbv36.png looks like the old one, or very similar.

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 27. May 2011, 18:23
by gapan
you need the new user-settings-xfce package to have default salix settings for xfce with newly created users.

And yes, it's Stairway.png

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 27. May 2011, 21:45
by mimosa
Thanks gapan, that did it.

It looks nice, but I do miss the tree. :( It reminds me vaguely of Mandriva wallpaper. :lol:

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 29. May 2011, 23:37
by deNiros
Thanks to the devs a lot! It's a great release.

I used slackware 13.37, but packagemanagement, like building everything from source grew over my head (especially all the multimediapacks in order). Slackware is great, and you guys made Salix a great slackware desktop distro. I use it as my prime desktop OS.

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 31. May 2011, 14:14
by ikke
caitlyn wrote: For future reference you didn't have to reboot or change the init level. Just hitting CTRL-ALT-F2 would have taken you to a virtual console and you could have logged in and done the work.
Thank you very much. Will try to remember your advice when installing Salix 13.37 Fluxbox and/or LXDE.
caitlyn wrote:I've got to wonder, for future versions (13.37.1 maybe), if some code could be added to the installer (,,,) offering the option to download, compile and install the proprietary driver within the OS install process. That would certainly make it easier for less technically sophisticated users with one of the affected chipsets.
Fully agree!


Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 1. Jun 2011, 08:22
by john256
Dear Salix OS Team,

your latest 13.37 release is a fabulous minimalistic Linux distro based on the rock-solid Slackware base! I have installed it recently on a rather old-ish laptop and am very pleased how it works now swiftly and lightly :D

I have a few minor suggestions that I will post in the corresponding forum section, but apart from these I am very impressed and can only say:

Thank you all for the GREAT WORK!!!

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 1. Jun 2011, 22:41
by fitus
Thanks gapan for a wonderful distro,

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 5. Jun 2011, 04:59
by pizzar0
its an A+ job! Thank you.
(Tested it on 12 different hw combos - Make/Model Lap/Net/Desktops + Serv. No sweat.)

Re: Salix Xfce 13.37

Posted: 13. Jun 2011, 09:29
by ikke
JRD wrote:I'm working on a Live version. I cannot say a final date, but it will be ok quite soon, in few weeks.
Any progress?

Thank you for your efforts..