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Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC2

Posted: 11. Jul 2013, 21:03
by loukingjr
me again :) I'm having a problem with gslapt. It takes "forever" to download the changes and the checksum files. I get somewhere between 0Bs-100kbs download speeds. I'm on a 75Mbit connection so it seems a tad slow :D

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC2

Posted: 11. Jul 2013, 22:49
by mimosa
I sometimes see the same. I think the server just gets overloaded at times. There are some changes afoot regarding Salix's server arrangements, so hopefully, things should improve :)

Re: Salix KDE 14.0RC2

Posted: 11. Jul 2013, 22:50
by loukingjr
okay thanks