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Hello, World!

Posted: 2. Dec 2009, 09:34
by EaglePrince
Hi All,

I started test-driving Salix recently and I'm kinda liking it. I'll just add a few personal touches and it will be perfect! :D

However I need to get something off my chest..... :P
Why do Linuxers insist on giving the impression that you need to bee a boozehead to use a 'nix/'nux? In fact this particular section of the forums proves my point! Even my favourite mag, Linux Format is giving out beer mugs! :(

I would like to point out beer makes you less attractive to the oppsite sex unless they are drunk as well! So try a nice decaffinated coffee, or better still green tea, which I hear regenerates brain cells :)

Long live sober programmers!


Re: Hello, World!

Posted: 2. Dec 2009, 12:57
by thenktor
This is just because Slackware Linuxers are party people and not geeks sitting in dark rooms. In fact the windows users are the lame geeks (I have to think of the idiot with green shirt in the Windows 7 commercial, his girlfirend doesn't like him, too) :mrgreen:

Just kidding... I like green tea, too ;)

PS: Here is so much alcohol topics, because in the very first stage of this distribution our forum was hosted on an alcohol wiki site, and so the codename was Alcoholix 8-)

Re: Hello, World!

Posted: 2. Dec 2009, 23:24
by imag1narynumber
I have to agree with the aforementioned reasoning overall. But really, what group of (mainly) guys doesn't spout off about their love of beer? It's a huge social aspect.

I, for one, don't drink beer. If I do drink, it's something like whiskey or tequila. Also I work out hard and I run. So I don't fit all of the geek stereotypes.

I am, however, addicted to that nectar of the gods, coffee.

Re: Hello, World!

Posted: 3. Dec 2009, 18:17
by Shador
imag1narynumber wrote:So I don't fit all of the geek stereotypes.
Stereotypes are still stereotypes. ;) ... _image.jpg
No, none of those features apply for me. :mrgreen: Nonetheless I'm living only about half an hour from the most stereotyped german festival. (--> Wies'n for the unilluminated population)
EaglePrince wrote:Why do Linuxers insist on giving the impression that you need to bee a boozehead to use a 'nix/'nux?
My impression is exactly the opposite. OK, we got those importers of german alcohol ;) here, but it's more in real life that alcohol is a part of the culture from my point of view.
thenktor wrote: PS: Here is so much alcohol topics, because in the very first stage of this distribution our forum was hosted on an alcohol wiki site, and so the codename was Alcoholix 8-)
<3 still :D
EaglePrince wrote:In fact this particular section of the forums proves my point! Even my favourite mag, Linux Format is giving out beer mugs! :(
I thought Hume proved already induction is not working. 8-) So to infer from some posts that Salix folks are alcoholics and from this that the whole nix/nux community is drinking alcohol (excessively) is just not fair. :P