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Zapping as a replacement for Tvtime

Posted: 18. Jan 2013, 08:41
by Pebkac
Many Linux-user report problems with Tvtime and Intel onboard graphics cards
(i815, i845 etc.). And so on SalixOS 13.37.

Tvtime starts and then disappears. This probably has to do with the KMS feature

Code: Select all

"Cannot allocate enough off-screen video memory."
Hours of modifying the xorg.conf brought no success nor hours of Binging, DuckDuckGoing, Googleing, Ixquicking and Yahooing.
Reading a lot of postings in different Fora, but none of the indicated solutions really work.
So I was looking for a replacement for Tvtime and found 2 as a substitute.
XAWTV and Zapping, both are not in the repos or sourcery for SalixOS 13.37.
I opted then for Zapping (has a nicer GUI)
"Zapping is a TV viewer for the Gnome desktop. It runs on Linux Icon Linux, FreeBSD Icon FreeBSD and Solaris.
With Zapping and a TV card you can watch TV, take screenshots, and record video and audio.
Zapping has a deinterlacer and a Teletext viewer built in and supports Closed Caption
and Teletext subtitles. Got a remote control? Zapping supports LIRC too."

So I tried to compile and install it for SalixOS 13.37 Fluxbox:
Downloaded Source here:
Unzip in /usr/src/
installing libgnomeui 2.24.4-i486 from SalixOS-repos as a dependency, indicated during ./configure
installing linuxdoc-tools 0.9.66-i486 from SalixOS-repos as a dependency, indicated during ./configure
/usr/src/zapping# ./configure --without zvbi (prerequisite for viewing Teletext) as a quick & dirty testdrive
/usr/src/zapping# make
/usr/src/zapping# make install
$ zapping (having fun and tv now)

Dear Packagers, Maintainers and Developpers, is it possible to build a Zapping-package or write a building
script for the sourcery, if you can spend time on it?
It would be very nice and helpful , if we had a TV-App, that really works, without hacking and fumbling around.

N.B. Perhaps its already solved with a newer kernel in SalixOS 13.37 and later.


Re: Zapping as a replacement for Tvtime

Posted: 18. Jan 2013, 19:09
by Tim CowChip
I assume you need a "TV" card to test it. I, for one, don't have such a card. You may want to contact Marco Bonetti mailto:sid77 at slackware dot it, who maintains tvtime at SBo.

Re: Zapping as a replacement for Tvtime

Posted: 19. Jan 2013, 18:37
by Pebkac
Tim CowChip wrote:I assume you need a "TV" card to test it. I, for one, don't have such a card. You may want to contact Marco Bonetti mailto:sid77 at slackware dot it, who maintains tvtime at SBo.
Hi Chris

Thanks for the reply,
I have a TV/Radio-Card built in: Askey TView99. It works fine with the q & d installed TV-App Zapping on SalixOS 13.37
But Tvtime does not. Starting Tvtime, it flashes up and dissapears. BTW GQRADIO works fine too.
So, then I will try to contact the recommended maintainer to ask him for Zapping in the sourcery, right?