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Posted: 3. Mar 2013, 06:19
by Tim CowChip
Just reinstalled Salix64-14.0-XFCE. Lilosetup doesn't run from the menu. When I run it in a terminal:

Code: Select all

root[chris]# /usr/sbin/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/", line 1148, in <module>
  File "/usr/sbin/", line 613, in __init__
  File "/usr/sbin/", line 563, in setup_partition_list
    partition_device, file_system, operating_system = check_if_bootable(partition)
  File "/usr/sbin/", line 234, in check_if_bootable
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'version_file' referenced before assignment
My /etc/lilo.conf

Code: Select all

# LILO configuration file
# generated by 'liloconfig'
# Start LILO global section
# Append any additional kernel parameters:
append="quiet  vt.default_utf8=1"
boot = /dev/sda

# Boot BMP Image.
# Bitmap in BMP format: 640x480x8
  bitmap = /boot/salix.bmp
# Menu colors (foreground, background, shadow, highlighted
# foreground, highlighted background, highlighted shadow):
  bmp-colors = 255,20,255,20,255,20
# Location of the option table: location x, location y, number of
# columns, lines per column (max 15), "spill" (this is how many
# entries must be in the first column before the next begins to
# be used.  We don't specify it here, as there's just one column.
  bmp-table = 60,6,1,16
# Timer location x, timer location y, foreground color,
# background color, shadow color.
  bmp-timer = 65,29,0,255

# Standard menu.
# Or, you can comment out the bitmap menu above and 
# use a boot message with the standard menu:
#message = /boot/boot_message.txt

# Wait until the timeout to boot (if commented out, boot the
# first entry immediately):
# Timeout before the first entry boots.
# This is given in tenths of a second, so 600 for every minute:
timeout = 50
# Override dangerous defaults that rewrite the partition table:
# Normal VGA console
vga = normal
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x64k
# vga=791
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x32k
# vga=790
# VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x256
# vga=773
# VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x64k
# vga=788
# VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x32k
# vga=787
# VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x256
# vga=771
# VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x64k
# vga=785
# VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x32k
# vga=784
# VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x256
# vga=769
# End LILO global section
# Linux bootable partition config begins

image = /boot/vmlinuz
        root = /dev/sda1
        label = Salix

image = /boot/vmlinuz
        root = /dev/sda3
        label = CRUX
# Linux bootable partition config ends

Re: lilosetup

Posted: 3. Mar 2013, 19:31
by Tim CowChip
I installed grub, so nevermind.
My Crux installation didn't boot correctly with lilo, anyway.

Re: lilosetup

Posted: 3. Mar 2013, 21:10
by Akuna
Hi Thanks for the report anyways, I'll look into that