I don't use Emacs, so I cannot give you a straight solution. When I have time I will take a look at it as I use fcitx myself as well.
One good place to take a look also is AUR from Arch. They often have some patches that Slack don't have. Some patches are not useful to us as it's only Arch specific.
My second point is 'not use the ibus 1.5.5. Please use 1.4.x. You can recompile it. And youi do not need to set manually your .profile file normally. If you install also ibus-qt, you can also have export WT_IM_MODULE="ibus".
And the last point is: You might need to update the cashe for gtk2 and gtk3.
Code: Select all
gtk-query-immodules-3.0 --update-cache
gtk-query-immodules-2.0 --update-cache