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radiotray missing a dependency

Posted: 29. Aug 2022, 11:08
by mimosa
... though everything turned up by depfinder is installed. There seems to be a "souphttpsrc" module missing. I tried installing and uninstalling both versions of BeautifulSoup (with and without the hyphen).

Re: radiotray missing a dependency

Posted: 29. Aug 2022, 12:39
by gapan
Yeah, this is kind of bad. Radiotray is still written in python2 and that, along with related libraries are slowly rotting away. It's quite possible that nobody at SBo has tested radiotray in 15.0. First of all, it also needs gst0-plugins-good. But then you'll realize that it complains about "pynotify" too. This was provided by slackware in 14.2 and earlier with the notify-python package. But it has been removed from 15.0. Bad thing is that notify-python doesn't compile anymore in 15.0. Good thing is that the package from 14.2 still works! So I will add that to our repos.

So, to have it working you need to install the gst0-plugins-good package and also grab the notify-python package from 14.2. I'll make the appropriate changes in the repos.

Unfortunately, all that means that this is probably the end of the road for radiotray. I don't think it will be possible to have it working in later releases.

Re: radiotray missing a dependency

Posted: 30. Aug 2022, 14:57
by mimosa
I can confirm it now works here, thanks George! However it doesn't seem to have heard of the BBC, or Finnish public radio! My impression is the .pls streaming link is no longer that widely provided by stations.