For Jesse Smith on Distrowatch Slint installation failed...

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For Jesse Smith on Distrowatch Slint installation failed...

Post by DidierSpaier »

His review is in DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 1022, 5 June 2023 As I responded I could not reproduce this issue. If possible please try and report you findings here and/or in the comments of distrowatch. Thanks!
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Re: For Jesse Smith on Distrowatch Slint installation failed...

Post by hugok »

I've had a chance to read the review and I can't figure out what could have gone wrong with Jesse Smith(reviewer) installation. Maybe the downloaded ISO was corrupted or the flash drive used was damaged(what method/software did he use to burn the ISO). He did the installation in virtual box/qemu/vmware??

I always use the command rsync -HPAav . to download the ISO because in the web browser sometimes the download fails...

I also comment the review ;)
Hugo Carvalho
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Re: For Jesse Smith on Distrowatch Slint installation failed...

Post by gapan »

"Cannot extract file" kinds of messages may be the result of a too small / (or /usr/bin or any other that gets filled with stuff) partition...
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Re: For Jesse Smith on Distrowatch Slint installation failed...

Post by DidierSpaier »

Thanks for the hint, George. It leaded to another comment of mine.
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