OMG XUbuntu

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OMG XUbuntu

Post by zAchAry »

Well I'm not using Ubuntu any longer, though this is my number #1 choice, along with
Linux Mint, to share GNU/Linux with other men and women (burning GNU/Linux for newbies)

Someone, who I knew at the Ubuntu Forums long time ago, just sent to me a link to Popular ideas - Ubuntu brainstorm,
he referred me to the first popular solution: Idea #25793: "Idea for Xubuntu lifghtness" - Ubuntu brainstorm (and he had a good reason)

46 votes, so far.
Written by Mancio82 the 7 Sep 10 at 14:49. Related project: Xubuntu. Status: New

Hi everybody,
I'm a proud Xubuntu user and for me XFCE DE is a very good DE: stable, fast and complete of all features.

However, for me Xubuntu releases, had on default installation, heavy software, like Firefox or Thunderbird, and too GNOME library and applications installed, which make xfce too heavy
Tags: fast light native software system XFCE Xubuntu

Solution #1: XFCE native software

Written by Mancio82 the 7 Sep 10 at 14:49.
To solve xubuntu problem, I should release distribution with XFCE or light software, and only few GNOME applications;


Browser: NO Firefox, but Midori or Chromium
Email Client: NO Thunderbird, but Claws Email
Burning tools: NO Brasero, but xfburn
System tools: NO GNOME Monitor but for example XFCE-Taskmanager

I've do this steps on my home laptop (Xubuntu 10.04 LTS) and system works very fine and fast.

My opinion is to release Xubuntu with more XFCE sofware and tools, and few GNOME software for a very light and fast system
FYI, when I installed XUbuntu 9.04 I was very disappointed because it wasn't a real Xfce Desktop Environment, considering what I knew then from images and writings on many pages on the world wide web, and what I'm experiencing today!

So I've decided to make a report that will mostly specify what is wrong and how it can be much better! I've invested Friday and Saturday + one more Friday and Saturday for it!

The report, as far as I remember, was very well written and ordered in a very clear and comfortable to read way, and when I've posted it on the Ubuntu Forums the thread got more than 30 comment/replies supporting my suggestion (each reply supported most if not all of what I've said), two days later, after me participating in the thread that I've started I was BANNED (or blocked) from the Ubuntu Forums and the thread, that had a lot of support from Ubuntu (GNOME) users and XUbuntu users, was DELETED!, and I was very straight and very polite, no ranting or anything alike.

Surprisingly, three suggestions that are displayed at this page were presented in my report
Email Client: NO Thunderbird, but Claws Email
Burning tools: NO Brasero, but xfburn
System tools: NO GNOME Monitor but for example XFCE-Taskmanager
and if Midori was as good as it is now, it would be mentioned there as well ;)

And one last thing: the most amateurish thing that Canonical/Ubuntu did was to deliver the Xfce panel and the Gnome panel installed at the same time, by default, though these panels weren't running at the same time of course, but still, it is a waste of disk space...

Today lesson for Canonical.Ltd is:
Victor Marie Hugo said:
Victor Hugo wrote:No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.
(in short) No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
Last edited by zAchAry on 21. Sep 2010, 13:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OMG XUbuntu

Post by bioterror »

Great thing that Xubuntu users have woken up and noticed that their once so fast DE is nowdays slow and resource hungry.

I think they have some pressures becouse Lubuntu is asked to join Ubuntu family and people are working hard on it. low-end users gets new puppy to pet :lol:
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Re: OMG XUbuntu

Post by damNageHack » feed the trolls/legbamel/Dont_feed_the_troll.jpg
:P :mrgreen:
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Re: OMG XUbuntu

Post by zAchAry »

damNageHack wrote: feed the trolls/legbamel/Dont_feed_the_troll.jpg
:P :mrgreen:
Who's the troll? me? a troll? well, maybe :P

What I'm doing here, at the end, is bashing Canonical.Ltd and their
vague policies which will not let a real participation of the users,
unfortunately, despite the fact that Canonical.Ltd are declaring that they're.

Same for "the (anonymous) guy that sent to me the link" after he knew
about the incident of me being kicked out (and that wasn't the first time)
without any feedback of why, and a glaring thread about how to really
improve XUbuntu that's being deleted.

One more reason to be inconvenient
pogeymanz (from Arch Linux Forums) wrote:...Hell, I get insulted without even mentioning Arch. So much for intelligent discussion and debate...
Almost everybody at the Ubuntu Forums are worshiping
a name and not a real idea, and I'm very sad for that.

there are many others:
No More Ubuntu Respins! (by tw1ggz) Group
No Ubuntu Users Allowed! (by tw1ggz) Group (the word "Users", in my opinion, is really misplaced)

And see this absolutely avail comment (source)
H.E. Pennypacker (from: Ubuntu Forums) wrote:I am pretty sure you can't do .pls, and .asx on XMMS just as you wouldn't be able to do Real Media. It's just one of those things. It is possible...
Of course it is ;) with this kind of attitude of bashing other ideas
that are not fitting to the official "Canonical.Ltd Billboards"
and blindly worshiping an idea that is presented in an official
commercial of Canonical.Ltd we won't have a good progress at all.

Ubuntu is pretty much a waste or time and energy,
it is slowing the GNU/Linux Operating Systems and
alike instead of boosting the reputation and strength
of everyone up.

I'm proposing to start to burn CDs to newbies with distributions
like Linux Mint and even CrunchBang which is looking very
promising than ever before.

And remember that the real enemy is Window$.
See this good example: < 3 Browsers, One Enemy | Spread Firefox >

Canonical.Ltd has enough power to change some
stuff instead of engaging in a propaganda that
they (and only they) are Linux.

Ubuntu is not Linux, Ubuntu is not GNU, and I've opened this thread
in the hope that Canonical.Ltd people will see it and get the criticism
into their mind, finally.
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Re: OMG XUbuntu

Post by Akuna »

Erm... this is the useless talk area, not the bash other distros area.

Tsk tsk... live & let live... remember? :roll:
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Re: OMG XUbuntu

Post by zAchAry »

Please kill me, ppfffffff... :oops:

Ok, please close this thread.

I also need to make a few replies at this thread.
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