Slackware-current updating

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Slackware-current updating

Post by pevsner »

Just as an aside..
I noticed Salix now has "slackware-current" in the repo and I have successfully updated my system. Very nice it is to, new gtk and better fonts.
Could I have done that from the the normal slackware repo's or are there differences in the salix ones? ( I was just about to give it a go, but I checked salix repos and hey-presto current had been added minutes before).
I had to edit the /etc/initab to boot to init 4, and I have a slackware lilo splash (np-can change it).
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Re: Slackware-current updating

Post by gapan »

The slackware repos found in salix repositories point to "normal" slackware repos, so it's the same thing. But keep in mind that there is no salix-current yet, so there could be a lot of things in the salix-13.1 repositories that don't work right right with slackware-current. That means that you're on your own if something breaks.
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