Salix Live Xfce 13.37

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Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by JRD »

The Live team is proud to present the final release of Salix Live Xfce 13.37.

After some months developing, testing and improving a lot of little details, this version is available in both 32 and 64 bits. This version will serve as a base for all other editions of Salix Live, namely KDE, LXDE and Fluxbox, both 32 bits and 64 bits.

This version is build using SaLT (Salix Live Technology), a new system of Live tools for Slackware-based distros ( ... /tags/0.1/), developed in house by JRD in order to build Live CDs in a more dynamic fashion with very little modifications from the host system.

This includes the same applications and packages as the regular Salix Xfce 13.37, 32 or 64 bits, with the following additions:
  • isomaster, for managing ISO files;
  • gparted, for managing partitions;
  • grub2, for a beautiful boot menu and options;
  • lilosetup, to repair a failed lilo boot setup;
  • liveclone, for creating your own custom live CD/USB;
  • persistence-wizard, for creating a persistence file in order to keep changes upon reboot in the live environment;
  • remmina, for connecting to RDP server (like Windows or VirtualBox 4+), VNC server, NX server, SSH/SCP;
  • salix-live-installer, for installing Salix on a hard disk.
What have been corrected since the first alpha release:
  • Improve USB support using syslinux (or extlinux): no need to have the gap before the first partition anymore;
  • Support partitionless USB disk;
  • Fix the problem for keyboard layouts synchronisation on X11 starting;
  • Fix the problem for gdm autologin on start up;
  • Missing loadkeymap in grub.cfg;
  • Improve proxy support;
  • Grub2 "embed.cfg" use a separate partition detection than SaLT;
  • Ibus option in the grub2 menu;
  • "no sound" option in the grub2 menu;
  • root password option in the grub2 menu;
  • proxy option in the grub2 menu;
  • Remmina replaces rdesktop;
  • weird mountpoints was shown in the peristence wizard
  • possibility to keep changes directly (without a first reboot) while setting the peristence file if it's big enough
  • installation error with lilosetup in some configurations
  • loopback.cfg is now fully supported, either with the limited grub2 1.98 and with the grub2 1.99+
  • one can install multiple SaLT system on the same media (USB disk, harddisk, remastered CD/DVD) using the configuration in the .live file (basedir variable)
  • power down/reboot problem was hanging in some situations
  • no weird message "# is not a proper command" on grub menu loading
  • missing header in kernelive that prevented to install VirtualBox or VMWare additions without installing kernel-source. Same for nvidia/ati prorietary drivers.
  • max_loop kernel parameter has been set to 20 per default to prevent the error "could not find any free loop device" in some circumstances
  • new translations
  • packages updates
  • some others I don't remember anymore…
The default root password is live.
You don't need a password for the regular and auto-logged in user one.

So here are the downloadable files: You can consult the Startup Guide for more information on Salix and Salix Live.

If you want to boot Salix Live through USB, please consult this documentation.

If you want to boot Salix Live in PXE, please consult this documention.

Note: For those who experience some display problem during the boot process you can try adding the following cheatcode with this procedure:
  1. Reboot
  2. At the Grub launch menu, go to Change boot options.
  3. Select Custom linux kernel parameters
  4. Enter nomodeset
  5. Go back to the launch screen and boot
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by mimosa »

Hooray! :D Congratulations and well done after all your hard work.

PS I still think Ratpoison Live would be a worthy addition to the range.
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by gapan »

Fantastic! Congratulations to everyone involved! :ugeek:
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by djemos »

Congratulations!!!!!! :D
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by laplume »

Congratulations to the team :D
This is a great achievement.
Keep up the good work, Salix is an excellent distro!
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by tsuren »

'Tommorow is like today, just happens tomorrow.'
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by ikke »

Thought I would be the first to congratulate JRD and the whole team for this definitive Salix Live Xfce 13.37. Am wrong.

Downloading now.

Might come back especially with questions concerning this new SALT and the new cheatcodes.

Anyway : thank you very much.

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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by Andyun »

Thank you!
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by ikke »

ikke wrote:Might come back especially with questions concerning this new SALT and the new cheatcodes.
Salix Live Xfce 13.37 is nice, very nice. Really.

If you allow me ...

After working for half a day with this definitive Xfce 13.37 version have one remark and one question :

1. discovered that there is a difference between the time (hour) shown by the command line 'date' and the hour show in the panel down right.

Code: Select all

 one[~]$ date
Sat Feb  4 14:40:54 CET 2012
<--> 13.40
2. would like to install both the RC2 and the definitive version on the same usb stick. How to indicate the difference between the two versions : the 'salixlive' directories have the same name and should both be on /. Any way to change the name of one version or put one 'salixlive' directory not on / ? What should be the entry in "basedir=" in the file?

Thank you for kind attention.
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Re: Salix Live Xfce 13.37

Post by Shador »

ikke wrote:2. would like to install both the RC2 and the definitive version on the same usb stick. How to indicate the difference between the two versions : the 'salixlive' directories have the same name and should both be on /. Any way to change the name of one version or put one 'salixlive' directory not on / ?
That's basically relatively simple. Just create two subdirectories and explode the respective iso images to those. It's important that you move the .live files to the root of the stick again and change the basedir variable to '/<your resp. subdir>' instead of '/'. DO NOT change any other values! Especially ident_content!
Example for the .live file content:

Code: Select all

That's all needed as far as the LiveCD is concerned. But that doesn't give you a possibility to boot both. That's more tricky. (for the future I'm planning to implement an easier solution for this). Running will only boot that one livecd.

You need to install another bootloader that's capable of loading a linux kernel to select which livecd to boot.
For example syslinux can do this. Create a syslinux.cfg in the root of the stick like this:

Code: Select all

UI menu.c32

DEFAULT myblub

LABEL myblub
    MENU LABEL myblub
    SAY Chainloading to grub2...
    LINUX blub/boot/grub2-linux.img

LABEL myblob
    MENU LABEL myblob
    SAY Chainloading to grub2...
    LINUX blob/boot/grub2-linux.img
Of course you need to adapt the pathes and can also change the labels.

Now copy the menu.c32 file from /usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32 to the root of the stick.
Finally install syslinux:

Code: Select all

syslinux <part dev>
whereas <part dev> is to be replaced by your stick's partition (e.g. /dev/sdb1). Check the output of mount while the sticks mounted in your file manager.